Lesson 10 - Exploring Animals and Adjectives

Describing Animals with Adjectives


Welcome to the fascinating world of animals! In this English for Beginners series, we'll embark on a captivating journey into the animal kingdom. Together, we'll learn how to describe animals using adjectives, make comparisons, explore short and long adjectives, understand adjective suffixes, and master adjective placement. By the end of this lesson, you'll be well-equipped to talk about animals in English with confidence.

Adjectives Help Us Paint Vivid Pictures

Adjectives are incredible tools in the English language. They allow us to paint vivid pictures with our words. Let's begin our journey by exploring some basic adjectives that we can use to describe animals:


1. The elephant is majestic and gentle. 🐘


2. The hummingbird is tiny and agile. 🐦


3. The peacock is beautiful and colorful. 🦚


4. The whale is massive and graceful. 🐋

Comparative & Superlative Forms

Learn how adjectives help us compare and describe. Form comparative and superlative adjectives for short and long words.

Short: Big - Bigger - Biggest

Long: Beautiful - More Beautiful - Most Beautiful


5. The rabbit is FAST but the tortoise is FASTER. 🐰


6. The cheetah is SLOWER, than the rabit. 🐆


7. The tortoise is slower than therabbit. 🐢

Irregular Adjectives

HTML Table Generator
Adjective Comparative Superlative
 Bad  Worse  Worst
 Far  Farther  Farthest
 Good  Better Best 


Congratulations! You've learned how to form comparative and superlative adjectives, practice comparisons, and explore irregular adjectives. Keep using these tools to describe animals and the world around you.

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