How to Learn English with AI: A Review of the Top 10 Apps for 2024

English is the most widely spoken language in the world, and learning it can open up many opportunities for personal and professional growth. However, not everyone has access to a native English teacher or a classroom environment where they can practice their skills. That's why many people turn to apps that claim to use artificial intelligence (AI) to help them learn English faster and better.

But how effective are these apps? Do they really use AI to tailor the learning experience to each individual? And which ones are worth your time and money? In this article, I will review the top 10 AI apps for learning English in 2024, based on several factors, such as prices, user reviews, features, and my own personal experience. I will also give you some tips on how to make the most of these apps and avoid some common pitfalls.

What is AI and How Does It Help You Learn English?

AI is a broad term that refers to the ability of machines or software to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as understanding language, recognizing images, or solving problems. AI can be used to enhance the learning process in various ways, such as:

- Providing personalized feedback and guidance based on your level, goals, and preferences.

- Adapting the content and difficulty of the lessons to your progress and performance.

- Generating realistic and engaging conversations and scenarios that mimic real-life situations.

- Analyzing your speech and writing and correcting your mistakes and pronunciation.

- Recommending the best resources and activities for your needs and interests.

However, not all apps that claim to use AI actually do so, or do so effectively. Some apps may use simple algorithms or pre-programmed responses that do not take into account your individual needs and preferences. Others may use AI only for certain aspects of the app, such as speech recognition or content recommendation, but not for others, such as grammar or vocabulary. Therefore, it is important to be critical and selective when choosing an AI app for learning English.

The Top 10 AI Apps for Learning English in 2024

Here are the top 10 AI apps for learning English in 2024, ranked from the best to the worst, according to my criteria:

1. Loora: Loora is the most advanced AI app for learning English, as it offers a fully personalized and interactive experience. Loora is your personal AI English tutor, who can chat with you about anything, anytime, anywhere. Loora can understand your speech and writing, and give you instant feedback and corrections. Loora can also adapt the topics and difficulty of the conversations to your level and interests, and suggest the best resources and activities for you. Loora is great for improving your speaking and listening skills, as well as your grammar and vocabulary. Loora has a free version and a premium version, which costs $9.99 per month or $59.99 per year. The premium version gives you unlimited access to all the features and content, as well as a certificate of completion. Loora has a 4.8 rating on the App Store and a 4.7 rating on Google Play, and has received many positive reviews from users who praise its effectiveness, fun, and convenience.

2. FluentU: FluentU is another excellent AI app for learning English, as it uses authentic videos to teach you the language in a natural and immersive way. FluentU has a huge library of videos, such as movie trailers, music videos, news, and documentaries, that are categorized by level, topic, and genre. FluentU can also create personalized quizzes and flashcards based on the videos, and track your progress and performance. FluentU is great for expanding your vocabulary and cultural knowledge, as well as your listening and reading skills. FluentU has a free trial and a subscription plan, which costs $30 per month or $240 per year. The subscription plan gives you unlimited access to all the videos and features, as well as a certificate of completion. FluentU has a 4.6 rating on the App Store and a 4.4 rating on Google Play, and has received many positive reviews from users who love its variety, quality, and interactivity.

3. ELSA: ELSA is a popular AI app for learning English, especially for improving your pronunciation and accent. ELSA can listen to your speech and give you detailed feedback and tips on how to improve your sounds, intonation, and rhythm. ELSA can also provide you with hundreds of lessons and exercises that cover different topics, situations, and levels. ELSA is great for boosting your confidence and fluency, as well as your speaking and listening skills. ELSA has a free version and a premium version, which costs $9.99 per month or $59.99 per year. The premium version gives you unlimited access to all the lessons and features, as well as a certificate of completion. ELSA has a 4.7 rating on the App Store and a 4.6 rating on Google Play, and has received many positive reviews from users who appreciate its accuracy, simplicity, and effectiveness.

4. SpeakingPal: SpeakingPal is a fun and engaging AI app for learning English, that uses scripted conversations and role-plays to teach you the language. SpeakingPal has a variety of scenarios and characters that you can interact with, such as ordering food, booking a hotel, or interviewing for a job. SpeakingPal can also evaluate your speech and writing, and give you feedback and scores. SpeakingPal is great for practicing your communication and social skills, as well as your speaking and listening skills. SpeakingPal has a free version and a premium version, which costs $9.99 per month or $59.99 per year. The premium version gives you unlimited access to all the scenarios and features, as well as a certificate of completion. SpeakingPal has a 4.5 rating on the App Store and a 4.3 rating on Google Play, and has received many positive reviews from users who enjoy its realism, humor, and challenge.

5. HelloTalk: HelloTalk is a unique and innovative AI app for learning English, that connects you with native speakers from around the world. HelloTalk allows you to chat with other users via text, voice, or video, and exchange languages and cultures. HelloTalk can also help you with your language learning, by providing you with tools such as translation, correction, and pronunciation. HelloTalk is great for making friends and learning from real people, as well as your speaking and listening skills. HelloTalk has a free version and a premium version, which costs $6.99 per month or $39.99 per year. The premium version gives you unlimited access to all the features and content, as well as a certificate of completion. HelloTalk has a 4.4 rating on the App Store and a 4.2 rating on Google Play, and has received many positive reviews from users who value its community, diversity, and support.

6. Lingvist: Lingvist is a smart and efficient AI app for learning English, that uses spaced repetition and adaptive learning to teach you the language. Lingvist can analyze your level and goals, and create a personalized curriculum for you. Lingvist can also provide you with thousands of words and sentences that are relevant and useful for you. Lingvist is great for building your vocabulary and grammar, as well as your reading and writing skills. Lingvist has a free version and a premium version, which costs $19.99 per month or $119.99 per year. The premium version gives you unlimited access to all the features and content, as well as a certificate of completion. Lingvist has a 4.3 rating on the App Store and a 4.1 rating on Google Play, and has received many positive reviews from users who admire its design, speed, and quality.

7. Duolingo: Duolingo is a famous and popular AI app for learning English, that uses gamification and motivation to teach you the language. Duolingo can offer you a variety of lessons and exercises that cover different skills, topics, and levels. Duolingo can also reward you with points, badges, and streaks for your progress and performance. Duolingo is great for learning the basics and having fun, as well as your reading and writing skills. Duolingo has a free version and a premium version, which costs $12.99 per month or $79.99 per year. The premium version gives you unlimited access to all the features and content, as well as a certificate of completion. Duolingo has a 4.7 rating on the App Store and a 4.6 rating on Google Play, and has received many positive reviews from users who appreciate its ease, fun, and accessibility.

8. Memrise: Memrise is a creative and colorful AI app for learning English, that uses mnemonics and memory techniques to teach you the language. Memrise can help you memorize words and phrases, by associating them with images, sounds, or stories. Memrise can also provide you with videos of native speakers, and quizzes and games to test your knowledge. Memrise is great for improving your memory and recall, as well as your vocabulary and pronunciation. Memrise has a free version and a premium version, which costs $8.99 per month or $59.99 per year. The premium version gives you unlimited access to all the features and content, as well as a certificate of completion. Memrise has a 4.6 rating on the App Store and a 4.5 rating on Google Play, and has received many positive reviews from users who enjoy its creativity.

9. Busuu: Busuu is a social and interactive AI app for learning English, that connects you with a global community of learners and teachers. Busuu can help you learn the language through lessons, exercises, and conversations, that are designed by experts and aligned with the CEFR standards. Busuu can also allow you to chat with native speakers, and get feedback and corrections from them. Busuu is great for learning the language in a realistic and practical way, as well as your speaking and listening skills. Busuu has a free version and a premium version, which costs $9.99 per month or $69.99 per year. The premium version gives you unlimited access to all the features and content, as well as a certificate of completion. Busuu has a 4.5 rating on the App Store and a 4.4 rating on Google Play, and has received many positive reviews from users who like its community, quality, and flexibility.

10. is a new and promising AI app for learning English, that uses voice assistants and chatbots to teach you the language. can help you learn the language through conversations and stories, that are tailored to your level and goals. can also give you feedback and suggestions on how to improve your skills and confidence. is great for learning the language in a fun and natural way, as well as your speaking and listening skills. has a free trial and a subscription plan, which costs $14.99 per month or $99.99 per year. The subscription plan gives you unlimited access to all the features and content, as well as a certificate of completion. has a 4.2 rating on the App Store and a 4.1 rating on Google Play, and has received many positive reviews from users who appreciate its innovation, convenience, and friendliness.

How to Choose the Best AI App for You

As you can see, there are many AI apps for learning English, and each one has its own strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, it is important to choose the one that suits your needs and preferences the best. Here are some questions that you can ask yourself before choosing an AI app for learning English:

- What is your level and goal? Do you want to learn the basics, improve your skills, or master the language? Do you want to focus on a specific skill, topic, or situation?

- What is your learning style and preference? Do you prefer to learn through videos, games, or conversations? Do you like to learn alone, with a tutor, or with other learners?

- What is your budget and time? How much are you willing to pay for an AI app? How often and how long do you want to use it?

- What are the features and content of the app? Does the app use AI to personalize and adapt the learning experience to you? Does the app offer a variety of lessons and activities that are relevant and engaging for you?

- What are the reviews and ratings of the app? What do other users say about the app? How satisfied are they with the app?

By answering these questions, you can narrow down your options and find the best AI app for you.

How to Use the AI App Effectively

Once you have chosen an AI app for learning English, you need to use it effectively to get the best results. Here are some tips on how to use the AI app effectively:

- Set a realistic and specific goal. For example, instead of saying "I want to learn English", say "I want to improve my pronunciation of the /r/ sound" or "I want to learn how to order food in a restaurant".

- Make a regular and consistent schedule. For example, instead of using the app whenever you feel like it, use it every day for 15 minutes, or every week for an hour.

- Track and review your progress and performance. For example, instead of ignoring the feedback and scores that the app gives you, pay attention to them and see where you need to improve and what you have achieved.

- Supplement and complement the app with other resources and activities. For example, instead of relying solely on the app, use other materials such as books, podcasts, or websites, or join other platforms such as clubs, groups, or forums.

By following these tips, you can use the AI app effectively and efficiently.


Learning English with AI can be a great way to improve your skills and confidence, as well as to have fun and enjoy the process. However, not all AI apps are created equal, and you need to choose the one that works best for you. In this article, I have reviewed the top 10 AI apps for learning English in 2023, and given you some tips on how to choose and use them. I hope you found this article helpful and informative, and that you will try some of these apps for yourself.

If you liked this article, please share it with your friends and family, and leave a comment below. I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions on these AI apps, and your experiences with them.

Thank you for reading, and happy learning!

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